One of the very first words my 18-month old learned was "doggy"....and boy, did he ever! Any animal/insect he sees now gets the pleasure of hearing "Doggy, doggy, doggy, doggy!" until they are no longer in sight! From mosquitoes to cats- it matters not. It's the funniest thing! Needless to say we are looking to get him one, but for now he might have to settle with one of these adorable puppy pieces (for boys, of course)...

♥ Spotty Pink Puppy Dog Giftset ($46.00)- www.tadpolecreations.etsy.com

♥ Darling Doggy Burp Cloth Set ($32.00)- www.krispybanana.etsy.com

♥ Puppy Pacifier Clip ($3.50)- www.justaddbaby.etsy.com

♥ Posh Puppy Burp Cloth Set ($14.00)- www.thebitsybean.etsy.com

♥ Receiving Blanket & Burp Cloth Set ($12.00)- www.josieskids.etsy.com
♥ Lead picture courtsey of www.hilsspet.com