I confess- I'm an eighties child! Neon rubber bangles, Madonna-esque petticoats, plastic charm necklaces and leg-warmers. Oh yeah, I did it all! Now we can sprinkle a bit of that nostalgia onto our kiddies with these retro duds. Why? Because we want nothing more than to educate our children of America's vast musical history through...aww, let's face it- because YOU ROCK (and now, so can they)!!!!!

Blondie T-shirt ($22.00)- sourpussclothing.com

Kiss Onesie ($17.95)- shoprockinamerica.com

Jimi Hendrix T-shirt ($36.00)- sol-baby.com

Rolling Stones Sundress ($87.00)- pyschobabyonline.com

Run DMC onesie ($21.99)- urbanbabyrunway.com
♥ Lead picture courtesy of Rowdy Sprout
I love these! My son has a Guns and Roses tee and I didn't realize til the last minute that he was wearing it for his picture with Santa lol.
ReplyDeleteAwe, I love these tops!!! Too cute. I might just have to buy the yellow Blondie one!
ReplyDeleteI love all of those, and the sundress is too cute.
ReplyDeleteOMG...I am dating myself here, but I so loved dancing to those great sounds from the eighties. I would work myself up into one fabulous Jane Fonda aerobic sweat on the dance floor :) Love the children's clothes..too bad mine are a wee bit too old.