Ok, so has it dawned on anyone else that Easter is right around the corner?! YAY!! My baby gets his first "wittle" Easter basket!!! As I was searching for items that would be age appropriate for a one-year old, I ran across tons of cute and affordable baby basket stuffers and decided to share them with you (don't worry; you can thank me later..smile)! Enjoy...

'Bunny Squirt Set' from someonespoilme.com- $9.00

'Modern Bunny Baby Gift Set' from tadpolecreations.etsy.com- $48.00

'Just Ducky Socks Set' from cornerbabygifts.com- $28.00

'Bubbly Rattling Rabbit' from ollierose.etsy.com- $12.00

'Good Egg Sweater Set' from chasingfireflies.com- $50.00
If you've run across any good sites, please feel free to share!
Thanks forr writing this